
Search "user:oberchingus"

11 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Suggestion -- Please add later latency options to game preferences#1

In addition to the rating range, game mode, time control preferences, it would be delightful if we could have some configurable latency options of prospective games (like a ping range) as well as a hi…

General Chess Discussion - sandbaggers#12

@Aiden_Chen Excellent. It's good to report people when you feel "wronged" somehow. Let me know if you want a tissue for your issue, I charge $200/hr for therapy.

Lichess Feedback - Re-Map the REMATCH button to something reflecting today's chess community.#1

Since everyone is a giant snowflake, you guys should change the re-match button for a button that reads [help!] and when clicked sends people to google or amazon, or whatever their local favourite ret…

Lichess Feedback - old design #16

Yeah I found the slider finally....thanks.

Lichess Feedback - old design #12

How do I make the board smaller? I'm young and don't squint at the screen yet.

General Chess Discussion - When should you allow a take back?#10

I block them in settings. I'll accept take-backs in real life, in casual games only. In anything time-controlled, never. People need to learn to resign and play again, rinse and repeat. On this websit…

Lichess Feedback - Snowflakes play Chess now and don't rematch.#1

Snowflakes don't rematch: Please hide the historical score or make it visible with a drop-menu so players have to click it to get to it. And especially hide total wins and losses. Here's why: Some peo…

Lichess Feedback - Something happened to the netcode recently? Lag is BAAAAAD#3

Thank you seanysean. You've sent me to that page and I learned a thing or two. Didn't know lichess was in France. C'est Sympa!

Lichess Feedback - Something happened to the netcode recently? Lag is BAAAAAD#1

The last couple days have been terribad. Even typing this message, the cursor looks like I'm running dial-up on an IBM from 1955. What's happening? I can't play speedchess like this!!! /concerned citi…

Lichess Feedback - Counter players who lag out or leave cause sad?#1

Obviously, people have to leave their game for a variety of reasons and they can't resign cause of network or RL issues. But when they let their time run out to "punish" or waste their opponent's time…
