
old design

How do I make the board smaller?

I'm young and don't squint at the screen yet.
on the top right, click on your username > board geometry
there you can set the preferred size...
Navigate to board geometry in the settings, there you will see a slider allowing you to change the size of the board.
The same way you make it bigger: You click on the username (top right corner) → Board geometry and drag the slider.
In the old version, the board was bigger at 50% than it is now at 100%. Can someone please explain why this is and if there are any additional options for making the board bigger. Dragging the board larger does not work after 100%.

Thank you!
"Old browsers are not supported."
Time to move on to an other chess site.
@shark747 if you were a web developer you would understand how much a pain it is to support older browsers. I think it is a reasonable expectation for people to not be using browsers from the stone age

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