
Seriously, what vegetables are good on pizza?

And just a heads up, that 'word' with 3 'p's in it is not a vegetable.

I was thinking about beets.
@morphyms1817 said in #1:
> And just a heads up, that 'word' with 3 'p's in it is not a vegetable.

Peppers absolutely are vegetables!
Or did you mean parsnipps?
@Oneiro_naut said in #2:
We're all good with peppers and parsnips. I'm glad you did not mention 'it that must not be named'.
Can we not be serious and still post about vegetables on a pizza?
Roasted parsnips are amazing though. Could work well on pizza, maybe with chicken or beef strips.
Allow me to set you divinely straight like the pantheon's invisible fontanel right ahere Morph.
Any universally correct pizza starts from a proper basis of tomato sauce and wiriwiri peppers from Guyana. Any enhanced phonebooth can tell you that.
> And just a heads up, that 'word' with 3 'p's in it is not a vegetable.

No, it's just a word. However if you are forced to eat your words, topping a pizza with them may make them more palatable.

Also, is a pea pod with three peas in it allowable?
I've just noticed that 'pea pod' also has three P's in it. Help!
I'm gonna lie down for a while while I figure out what this all means.
@SerialTypist said in #8:
> There you go, TV sho.

"And coming up at 9, it's Eat Your Words with Gordon Ramsay and Weird Al Yankovitch!"

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