
Click on this forum!!! -NOT CLICKBAIT-

By saying not clickbait, I made it more likely that you will click on it, not because you think that it's not clickbait, but because you think that it is clickbait, which makes you want to click it even more. This is proved by human phycology, which I know nothing about.
Anyways, come up with the most random thing.
I will make a 10+ sentence tangent about it.
The pot of greed gives the sun a lot of gold, unlike what everyone thinks it does. Proof:
The only reason the sun is not burning the Earth is because the pot of greed is giving the sun gold. No, it doesn't burn up in the sun. If gold gets put in a fox's mouth then gets spit out, then it becomes unburnable. That is a word. So, the pot of greed is made by a fox, and surprisingly, foxes are destroying the atmosphere, and blaming is on CO2! Pickles are trying to stop foxes, so that's why foxes are allergic to pickles. Yes, they are. You cant say Im wrong. There are really only 2 foxes. The rest are just fake. Foxes are just so evil, the myths are right about them. And the pot of greed dilevers gold to the sun faster than the speed of light, at 42.069c, therefore making the pot of greed the only reason the Earth hasn't been totally burned up. So far, the pot of greed has delivered 6.9*10^420 cubic meters of gold to the sun, and soon it will make 10^1000 cubic meters. Then, the universe will turn into gold. All this gold is contained with the energy of dark matter.

Told you I could do it.
Would you like me to expand on this fact?
#3 This is the only reason for death. COVID and cancer are FAKE, what actually happens is interesting.
What is known as the cold, actually is the head getting 0.00000000000001% closer to your ear every second. Proof:
See how many people know how viruses are fake? Well, they are. If they are dead, how would they even infect people. Your head swimming in your ear means that you have a 69.420% chance of dying in the next 7 days. If you survive, you will get $69,420. Medications just push your head away from your ear. Any pain is your brain just wanting you to be warned that your head is close to your ear. Btw, it's invisible. Also, IQ isn't a thing. It's just how lucky you get on your test, or how close your head is to your ear. You can only die if you touched water, so your head swims in your ear.

Told you I could do it.
Would you like me to expand on this fact?
I will continue when this post says '20 hours ago' or '21 hours ago'
I generated the following random string on zDS6IYvYEukD6hQkRNh2

Is that sufficiently random?
Isn’t pot of greed a banned yugioh card?

@nk1406 Ill pay you $5 dollars for your randomly generated string. Isn’t that how cryptocurrency works?
@YALturKManI said in #5:
> #3 This is the only reason for death. COVID and cancer are FAKE, what actually happens is interesting.
> What is known as the cold, actually is the head getting 0.00000000000001% closer to your ear every second. Proof:
> See how many people know how viruses are fake? Well, they are. If they are dead, how would they even infect people. Your head swimming in your ear means that you have a 69.420% chance of dying in the next 7 days. If you survive, you will get $69,420. Medications just push your head away from your ear. Any pain is your brain just wanting you to be warned that your head is close to your ear. Btw, it's invisible. Also, IQ isn't a thing. It's just how lucky you get on your test, or how close your head is to your ear. You can only die if you touched water, so your head swims in your ear.
> Told you I could do it.
> Would you like me to expand on this fact?
you just made this clickbait and cringy :)
#8: Yes.

The, "What does Pot of greed do?!", meme comes from the fact that it's effect is extremely simple, yet in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime, the characters explain what Pot of greed does like a million times - so whenever Pot of greed is mentioned— in literally any context— you will usually be able to find someone saying, "What does it do?!", to sarcastically make it sound like it's an actually complicated card, that we would need to have explained to us a million times.

I know you didn't ask for an explanation as to what the, "What does Pot of greed do?!", meme is, but it's just an added benefit of being a part of Lichess Forums!



You know what, "The seal of orichalcos deuteros", does?

If not, here's what it does:

Every turn, I gain 3000 Life points.

And I can summon 20 Monsters.

I can draw 5 cards per-turn.

I can shoot lasers out my eyes.

I can use YOUR Spell cards effects when you activate them!

I can activate Trap cards from my Deck!

My Trap cards can use their effects without being activated, and without you knowing about it!

My monsters are immune to card effects, can't be targeted by card effects, can't be destroyed by battle, and can't be tributed.

I am allowed to rip your cards when I feel like it.

I can negate the activation/summon of every Spell card, Trap card, and Monster card you activate/summon.

If you don't read this card, you lose the duel.

If you read this card, you lose the duel.

[I was bored, :D]

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