
[feature-request] New Rating Category for Longer Time Controls

I read this demand even months ago. I never found any response from Mr Lichess, though. Maybe there are good reasons not to split the classical in 2 categories, but I do not see them yet. I should really like it, too.
+1 for sure; there is currently no difference between a 8+0 game and a 180+180 game.
I agree, and actually posted almost the same request yesterday, though it was at 'General Discussion'. I thank RMario for bringing me here. It was my very first posting in this forum and I didn't realized that here is the right place for that.
There you can find nice contributions on this issue as well. After all what I read, I think that a 15 0 time control would be both stay on the current general conditions of the tournments (i.e., during 2:30 hours you will play at least 5 games), and on the other hand it allows you more time to find your best move.

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