
Regium board new video

@AcademicNinja99 you can have magnets around yout electronics. It would need to shielded obviously. Which would again need more thickness. So not very plausible even there.

But still has scent a of con. Well then again most of kickstarter projects are. Just so much easier to make a scam than a real product.

I know right! I have a feeling they will just take the money from the kickstarter and be gone with it. If the Regium Chess Board is as amazing as they say and as this video shows then you would imagine they wouldn’t have trouble finding a few big investors. After all, if they have already finished a prototype, all that should be left to do is some extensive testing and then putting the board into production.

But no, they’re doing a kickstarter, and they’re sending mixed messages about the progress they are making on the board, making chess players hyped about it but at the same time providing some excuses in advance for why the project might be ‘delayed.’ Not to mention they’ve made false claims about the support they have from well known chess platforms.
There are legitimate reasons to at least attempt a Kickstarter from a business perspective, personally I feel the biggest one would be that 'investors' (using quotes there) that come through Kickstarter will never demand or own a share in the company, whereas if you seek traditional investors that would most definitely be the case, and you would to some degree lose control over your company.

From a personal perspective, I won't be backing this project on Kickstarter: it's silly to pre-order a product you don't even know will make it to production, for the exact reason I mentioned earlier: I'm taking a risk providing a company with money, with no guarantees or equity in return. I am excited to see the final product, though.

As for the integration with Lichess the devil is in the fine print:

>> Play against your favourite chess programs and engines. Regium e-Boards are supported by the most important chess platforms:
>> [....]
>> [....]

It doesn't say you can play human opponents on Lichess, only chess programs and engines. Suggesting they would indeed use a bot account. Now IF the product comes to market and IF it would be possible to make this work so that I can play human opponents OTB via internet, that's where you'll find a customer in me.
Sorry, kids. This is total B.S. Too bad. You're better off going out and buying a lottery ticket and then dream about what you will do when you win. At least with that you have a chance. Regium will come to market just after warp drives become available for your cars. or is it personal teleporters? I always the release dates mixed up.
A product as amazing as this would have needed big upfront R&D money to produce prototypes. Once the "amazing" product was satisfactorily demonstrated to the front-end money people word would have gotten out in the investment world and it would have been off to the races. No need for a "Kickstart." Maybe a public offering. If legit, a big name chess professional would have been all over this thing for the endorsement money and a piece of the action. Who is the registered agent for the company behind this nebulous product (that has some shmuck video-recording the demo with a handheld camera?) Have they registered as a foreign corporation doing business in the U.S. or any other country other than its purported country of origin? Has anyone seen their articles of incorporation or articles of organization if a limited liability company? What other products have they licensed for public sale?

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