
Settlement Reached in Stockfish v ChessBase

There is a pinball machine doing tilts on posts this thread I think. Someone please reset it.
Or it could be a glitch giving free games for all, all the time..
They stole intellectual property, profited from the theft, and as punishment were told not to do that any more?????
They don't even have to pay legal costs to stockfish? This is shocking iinjustice, and I'm surprised it isn't reported here for what it is..... Injustice.
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justaz said in #22:
> Imo they should have tried getting financial compensation. A payday for the devs would've been nice, especially considering stockfish has only gained 6 elo in 6 months.

I agree it seems like a very small victory for them since they paid legal fees just to force them to be "a bit more honest".

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