
Search "user:devastatingly-hot"

28 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Casual terms of address for women?#47

@ForumPoster4242 said in #1: > While speaking to my peers that are men, I often use casual terms of address such as 'man', 'brother', 'bruv' and the like, but what about when addressing women? I have …

Off-Topic Discussion - What came first, the chicken or the egg? Part 1#31

Such an old question. I will write my opinion. I did not read what is written here in the various answers. Regarding the question "what came first, the rooster's egg or the rooster" (and not "what cam…

Off-Topic Discussion - Tell me a joke#42

Knock knock who is there father father who? how much do you have?

Off-Topic Discussion - Sage advice#22

-Never sneeze with a bowl of black pepper in your hand -If life gives you lemons, tell her that tomorrow you are eating at your parents' house

Off-Topic Discussion - Iran Israel#24

@Al-Ghoul said in #20: >Threat ≠ actually attacking Please read again. I wrote "cold war" I didn't say "attack" >Providing weapons to ally military parties js different then attacking urself >Us provi…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why didn't Lichess made a public declaration about the genocide in Gaza?#38

@Al-Ghoul said in #36: > @devastatingly-hot explained my position in detail: narrated a story that had nothing to do with the conflict > About your small analogy you posted at the beigining: it works …

Off-Topic Discussion - Why didn't Lichess made a public declaration about the genocide in Gaza?#35

@Al-Ghoul said in #33: > Read > If u can't defend a point maybe don't make it? I explained my position in detail which did not receive a proper response. I don't think I need to explain my words to th…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why didn't Lichess made a public declaration about the genocide in Gaza?#32

@Al-Ghoul said in #31: > Yeah according to you, starving murdering displacing ... civilians is not genocide according to you? Umm... will the score on this test affect the certificate?

Off-Topic Discussion - Why didn't Lichess made a public declaration about the genocide in Gaza?#30

@clousems said in #27: > There's a difference between making valid points and being an ass. > > I personally don't believe that genocide is an apt term to describe what is going on in the Israel/Pales…
