
This is so unfair

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Why are premoves allowed when they are not allowed in otb chess. They dont have to be exactly the same besides otb is much slower than typical online chess.
Being warned is definitely not how they accomplish to win. Good blitz skills and your bad play is (be it before or after the time trouble warning)
Its super annoying when you are actually in a winning position, yes. I really don't know why this feature is on online chess. The only reason I could understand why is that it just warns you that you are going to lose on time if your not playing fast. But there isn't a feature like that in the OTB clocks...🤔
You have a good point. In OTB chess you would never be reminded when your time is low.

I see where you’re is coming from….
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What does "winning the game with less than 10 seconds remaining" mean?
It would be unfair if your opponent had the warning feature and you hadn't. But since you have the same advantage it is not unfair for anyone.
@TheKingClash said in #7:
> @Cedur216 If they were not warned they probably would have played at the same pace and let their time go right down to the wire. My opponents were normally a minor piece up (queens and at least one set of minor pieces are still on the board) but nowhere near checkmate. Normally in a 10+0 game I have 4 minutes left on the clock when my opponent gets the 1 minute warning.

That's nothing but wild speculation, and if they manage to survive the time trouble, props to them?

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