
Chessmate_2010's game analyazations

1 • Chessmate_2010 •
  1. White-Akshith
  2. Black-Akshith
  3. Black-Akshith
  1. Chessmate_2010
  2. FM fmsoumya1984odi

Some common openings and games.

2 • Chessmate_2010 •
  1. Scotch Game. White and black advantages.
  2. Scotch Gambit for white.
  3. Blacks response to D4. (Indian Defence. Bf4 - London System).
  4. Ruy Lopez opening White and Black advantages. (one variation out of many).
  1. Chessmate_2010
  2. Srihanv
  3. checkmate_2014
  4. Ravindrareddi