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108 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why are there male and female chess competitions?#19

@centaur01 Well the part about Leela was a joke. And whether there will be female WC we will see in the future (the fact that there wasn t a singe female world champion (or even a serious candidate) t…

General Chess Discussion - Why are there male and female chess competitions?#15

@centaur01 Unless telling others my opinion which differs from yours is trolling, than I am not trolling as I mean what I said, female US president is bound to happen sooner or later (probably sooner)…

General Chess Discussion - Why are there male and female chess competitions?#10

The only way woman can become world champion during your lifetime would be If Leela chess zero was allowed to play in the championship. Being first female world chess champion is not equal to being th…

General Chess Discussion - Why are there male and female chess competitions?#6

Polgar s best placement was top 8, she was never a WC challenger (although she has frequently mopped the floor with Short who has managed to qualify as a WC challenger). Still her results against actu…

Lichess Feedback - Where is Stockfish 9?#6

There is a Stockfish bot playing on lichess, ofc I don t know why it should play against Leela when she cannot even beat SF level 8. At this point in time Sf is in a different league than Leela.

General Chess Discussion - Unfair Chess Captcha#8

If the player misses captcha once he can always try again until he gets it right. Its more problematic for new players as they might think that captcha is not mandatory while trying to register on lic…

Lichess Feedback - Petition to add Bughouse as a lichess variant#3


General Chess Discussion - DeathMatch: Penguin vs. Paco#14

In fast chess Penguin is certainly a favorite. I have seen some of Vallejo s bullet games and some IM managed to beat him like 12 to 11.

Game analysis - Lc0 vs Stockfish 9 - selected draws.#3

Lol, certainly not all draws, in fact If Leela would manage to draw 50 % of the games against latest SF it would be a huge success.

General Chess Discussion - GM Andrew Tang vs Leela Chess Zero#41

It certainly will be interesting to see how Penguin will fare against the weakest competitor in the weakest TCEC division. This version of Leela is still prone to serious tactical mistakes so he shoul…
