
Search "user:RyanTaylor"

38 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Rank the bulleters#18

There doesn't seem to be a way to grab head to heads without actually finding one of their games on their profile, which includes a lot of scrolling and the help of the ctrl + f function :P.

General Chess Discussion - Rank the bulleters#16

CN boasts pretty impressive ICC stats, he's not to be underestimated in blitz/bullet either. Not to mention CN is probably the only person with even stats against Chessbrah!!

General Chess Discussion - Rank the bulleters#13

16½ LM Blitzstream-twitch 35½ IM hiimgosu

General Chess Discussion - Where are all the GMs??#20

Spill the beans Mr Hansen, who'd ya play!?

General Chess Discussion - How is it possible to cheat in Bullet games?#16

Keith plays live on chessbrahs!

Lichess Feedback - Idea for a trophy : sodium?#4

These special trophies are meant to be.. well, special. Having one every week detracts from that.

General Chess Discussion - 0-0-0 Bullet???#4

Ive seen a 0-0-0 from IM Fins and IM Hiimgosu before

General Chess Discussion - Let's ask chessbrahs to solve puzzles in his channel!#4

Nice one buddy. Heres one I find weird: Super GM Harikishina Current: 1724 Highest: 1724 (Aug 5, 2014) Lowest: 1076 (Mar 18, 2013) # Attempts: 1025 Passed: 601 (58.6%) Failed: 424 (41.4%) Total Time: …

General Chess Discussion - Let's ask chessbrahs to solve puzzles in his channel!#2

CN takes his time because he lets his stream figure it out, or if it's a youtube video he goes over many different lines. Also Fin's recently did a tactics video for anyone that's interested. There ch…

Lichess Feedback - Where have all the players and challenges gone???#4

Means that you've triggered the anti-cheat system. I'm not sure how you appeal, but there's probably an answer in the FAQs
