
Search "user:RobertFP"

26 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Mikhail Tal blasts Bobby Fischer with the Najdorf#8

Thank you personally Jerry, as who I consider one of the top 21 best players of chess to follow on lichess. This game had ended a quick retort of mine from the end of last Decade. Amazing

Community Blog Discussions - The dangerous Shabalov Attack vs the Semi-Slav gets Alphazero's seal of approval#3

GM Wileim had played this game before and all writings are after his study.

Community Blog Discussions - The dangerous Shabalov Attack vs the Semi-Slav gets Alphazero's seal of approval#2

It is amazing that the move you found was e4. I discovered my own opening that started with that move, slightly less than a week before you discovered it. Not only is it great that we have been follow…

Community Blog Discussions - An out of this world chess engine game#3

I do not think that n's on the rim are that (emphasis) dim; when attacking, they are powerful and not only take up space, but have crucial material gains.

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Community Blog Discussions - A huge chess secret revealing to me by accident - not to be pushed around!#3

Firstly, CM Kingrusher-YouTube: Black missed, Nc3+ followed by Qb6+ which picks up the unprotected rook on g1 - try and visualize this! :) was brilliant (!!) Although, I wish you could have seen this …

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