
Search "user:Proxava"

12 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Are there any general rules how to keep the game quite / NOT too sharp?#12

1. f4 and not e5 (just study f4 e5 once and forever, it is really worse for black, if you understood it). For example look at this game: It really is a silent game a…

Lichess Feedback - Tournament Points#5

@alex_08d I want that nobody can get tournament points from arena tournaments, because they are not fair! Arena tournaments encourage to play chess "efficiently" instead of beautiful, because everythi…

Lichess Feedback - Tournament Points#1

Arena tournaments are garbage. Please add tournament points to Swiss tournaments, the only true form of chess competition.

Lichess Feedback - Swiss tournaments don't give tournament points#1

Swiss tournaments are also not listed in the profile page as 'completed' tournaments! Why is that so? I find that the Swiss tournaments are much better than the Arena tournaments, as they are of quali…

Lichess Feedback - Double tournaments#1

I was wondering why there are double Swiss tournaments as seen in the picture below. Perhaps it is a bug, or there is a feature that I am missing?

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General Chess Discussion - Ranking in Bullet#7

@MasterLucienJaccon , yes usually I do the same. But disturbs me quite a bit, being so low, wanna have at least 100 more points. @Ameershahul29 yes, tactics is good point. I do tactics, but not regula…

General Chess Discussion - Ranking in Bullet#1

Hey there I don't want to flame or anything, but I noticed that I dropped about 200 rating points. I was a decent 1950 player in bullet, now having trouble vs 1700 players. I don't really know what ha…

Lichess Feedback - Sound when time is running out#10

@thibault I am using the default soundset, but to be honest, I don't know what a soundset is nor how to change it.

Lichess Feedback - Sound when time is running out#7

I have exactly the same problem. Tried all the things. Still not working!
