
Search "user:KartikeyaSharma0504"

299 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Any body a Hacker#19

$sudo airstrike I am the professional, man. No one can beat me in hecking!!!

Off-Topic Discussion - Have you invented anything ?#29

@fridaymarketvibes_99 said in #1: > I invented the worst song I too invented the most dumbest song everrrr!

Off-Topic Discussion - Can Quantum mechanics answer to the question of knowing our future!?#3

@CosmicPegasus2006 said in #1: > I have basically developed the concept though with two three major paradoxical lines. I hope that I may able to solve them in distant future!!! Congrats on developing …

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Off-Topic Discussion - *What is your dream job and what makes it so amazing?#20

Astrophysicist. I want to learn to peek deeper into the universe. There are many things I can discover in this field. But the block problem is that it is postgraduate study. But I will become a astrop…

Off-Topic Discussion - Share facts #3#31

There are some people on Earth asking for the way to their home and some are slapping them for unusual behavior. Could this be true?

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Off-Topic Discussion - What is BEC#17

Bose-Einstein Condensate. Found at lower temperatures. Also called Bosons Condensate.

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm very much happy today!!!#11

I promise that you will become a famous man someday. I predict. And the fantastic thing is he is a chemical engineer. Applauds for @CosmicPegasus2006!

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think of misae nohara (shinchans mother)#7

I like her. Atleast then when she parks the car!!!!
