
Search "user:CrunchyJuice-YT"

4 forum posts
Game analysis - Pretty hard move to find, Black moves#9

Being the tactician I am, I see that Nf3+ is the most logical move. It allows the dark squared bishop to develop into the attack and it destroys white kingside. Maybe, Nf3+ gxf3 Bxh2+ Kg2 Bh3+ Kxh2 th…

General Chess Discussion - I cannot reach 1900#15

One tip is learn a bunch of different traps in openings so you can set up or diffuse them. Also, if you find yourself losing in time scrambles a lot, then play more of the bullet variants. My bullet i…

General Chess Discussion - Hi Opper#8

@opperwezen ok Mr. IM

General Chess Discussion - Hi Opper#5

@opperwezen Can you give me some tips on how to improve with my classical chess? Thank you
