
Search "user:brochess"

101 forum posts
Game analysis - I won a game without my opponent making any blunder!#1

This is the kind of game I am most proud of, especially turn 19 where I had mate in 1 but took my time to look for a better move and found a nice pawn grab. According to lichess computer analysis my o…

Game analysis - When you see mate in 1 look for a better move.#1

Lichess Feedback - petition for detailed takeback settings#12

Thanks @Toadofsky!

Game analysis - What's the difference between these two queen moves?#1 On turn 12 with the white pieces I played queen to c2, but computer analysis says it's bad and that queen to e2 is much better. It's frustrating to me that I can'…

Lichess Feedback - petition for detailed takeback settings#10

I like the giveback name!

Lichess Feedback - petition for detailed takeback settings#8

@dboing when I had takeback enabled, there were enough opponents asking to take back their blunders and popping up distracting takeback notifications and chat spam that I started disabling takeback al…

Lichess Feedback - petition for detailed takeback settings#6

@Toadofsky Thanks for your reply. I see from your profile badges that you're a lichess developer. If this is an official response I would be very grateful if it were fleshed out a little bit because a…

Lichess Feedback - petition for detailed takeback settings#1

Currently one can either enable or disable takeback. I personally leave it disabled because I never request takeback and I don't want spam by noobs begging to retract blunders. However there have been…

General Chess Discussion - Are we really playing humans on here?#37

Memeing according to urbandictionary is 'the act of saying something completely inane and dumb but in a way that makes it sound as if you're quite serious about it whether you are or are not', so its …

General Chess Discussion - Are we really playing humans on here?#32

"All it would take is a redirect to the analysis board, you type a few lines, answer your opponent's questions (Why did you play blah blah on move 24?, that kind of thing). Even if the human didn't kn…
