
How I started building Lichess

Thank you so much for creating something that you said you didn't do but I think you are just modest - . P.S. Lichess is a great name .
Wow! What an amazingly humble, down-to-earth and self-effacing person you are @thibault ! What you, sorry, the community with you as the spark-provider ;-) , have/has created is nothing short of a huge part of many peoples lives, myself included, and all that without being constantly bombarded with sales spam to subscribe to this pay-wall or pay for that costly feature.

I spend more hours playing on and often streaming games on lichess via Twitch than I care to count. The platform provides me and through me, my small and humble group of followers, with entertainment, education, companionship and a safe-space to spend our time.

You, Sir, are deeply appreciated and deserve to be able to live the rest of your life in peace, happiness and contentment secure in the knowledge that many thousands of people are extremely grateful that you kicked this off and have nurtured it to this day! Long may you be able to focus on keeping lichess simply the best online chess platform! Keep up the excellent work...please!
He's too humble for the founder of the best chess website.
A super site for chess players. But lately, the site has become very political, @thibault! Was that also one of your ideas? You delete tournaments, close teams. What is the meaning of this?

I don't think you'll answer...

"Thibault Duplessis
I turn coffee into bugs."

It looks like the bugs have broken down and are engaged in propaganda and infringement of rights! Yes, it's your site, but you can still play with it, you can't play with it... It's kind of racist...

Everyone loves you! Stay loved! Not in politics! I beg you very much!

If you read it, please delete my comment! Thank you!
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