
Lowest rated top 500?

Hello guys does everyone know who is the lowest rated player to finish top 500 in a marathon ?
There is no "minimum rating" to be able to make the top 500. A rated 400 player could do it. Now, of course, that'd draw some suspicion from the mods, and I wouldn't recommend it, but it could happen.
Hey @panagiskosmatos, I'm pretty sure @spideryt finished with 1774 last marathon.

Although he did beserk every game and I'm pretty sure he resigned games he was losing to not lose time.

Hope this answers your question
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@LordSupremeChess said in #2:
> There is no "minimum rating" to be able to make the top 500. A rated 400 player could do it. Now, of course, that'd draw some suspicion from the mods, and I wouldn't recommend it, but it could happen.

No I mean who is the lowest rated player who succeeded top 500

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