
An idea I had for online chess

Say you are playing a player with a higher rating than you(not too high though, or this most likely wont work unless you are severly underrated) you could on purpose take exactly 4-6 seconds per move and play on the top of your game by preparing before the game, maybe getting some caffiene, whatever, and your opponent may think you are an engine.

What can this do?

1. Makes your opponent not try as hard, or at all.

2. Make your opponent rush to see if you are human or not.(Some humans in a longer game speed up when one side speeds up)

3. Play defense.
They won't take risks as much or at all.

4. Play worser moves in the opening.
They won't want to stay in book, just in case it is an engine.

5. Resign.
If you were down a minor piece or more and your opponent seems like it might be an engine, wouldnt you resign? Some might.

What to do?

1. Make sure to take about 4-6 seconds a move. (*Unless you have one move only, then make it within a second)

2. Don't make hideous blunders.
You are trying to imitate an engine after all.

3. Play to your strength.
Like closed positions? Go for that. Like tactical positions? Go for it. Like (x), play it.

4. Play strong, known openings.
1 g4 isnt usually an engine move, or a good move at that.

5. Don't chat during the game.
Probably has a slight chance of the opponent increasily thinking you are human, which you are.

6. Don't ask for takebacks, or draw offers.

7. If you can attack, and it looks like it will be strong, go for it.

Why should I?

Well, you don't have to take 4-6 seconds per move, but I notice it helps me notice tactics easier. Take this recent game for example:

Also it seems I took 4-10 seconds per most move, but was able to play so well, the anticheat engines started analysis of the game immediatly!

So basically I think maybe the whole idea behind this isnt to play like an engine, it's to play on the top of your game always, and to take your time! I rarely do, but when I do, I play alot better. But its sometimes fun to imitate an engine somewhat, because of mental tactics.

One last word, if an engine has to take at least about 5 seconds to find a good move, why shouldn't you?
Engine silliness aside, spending your time is the best thing you can do with it! It's tempting to try to push your opponent over on the clock, but against strong opponents seldom does that work.
"if an engine has to take at least about 5 seconds to find a good move, why shouldn't you?"

Because you're human and chess is hard.
I didn't know that the site auto analyzes if it thinks you're over-performing.

Also you sound kind of silly saying you notice tactics better if you're only allowed 4 seconds to think. You keep mentioning the 5 second move thing; I don't get the appeal. Surely chess is a psychological game like you mention.

I saw your username arguing with twitch chat today. You were just stating your opinion, but damn I cannot stand twitch chat. Seems only people that chat are high schoolers with sexist, racist comments constantly.
I meant i notice tactics better when I think longer, for example, I notice tactics more in 4-10 seconds then in 1-2, like how I feel like playing sometimes.
I think you are vastly overthinking things.

Study the game, try and play good moves, focus, and learn from better players.

Every time you play a higher rated player its a free chess lesson. A gift, really. If they punish your mistakes, you learn from them. What a wonderful opportunity. Just play your game and be grateful to get to get a brief glimpse into the mind of a stronger player.
Here is a game i just played where i used my strategy, but you guys should be careful because it doesnt always work in some aspects(like the part where you hope the opponent thinks you are an engine), although the longer thinking helps alot.
@6 I do learn alot from irl chess(for example i increased my quick uscf rating about 200 pts just in half a month, though i'm still provisional{1 more game and i wont be though} and learning quickly), i just cant focus well enough for online chess, and i cant take it seriously enough.

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