
Educational move (try to find yourself)

Try to find the best move for white:

Hint - this move looks a bit like computer move (i.e. looks a bit anti-intuitive).
@Dario19503 said in #2:
> Qf2 is the move I found to be the best to play.
Ye, that's good move. According engine.

@itchyScorpion said in #3:
> Rah1 threating mate?
Rah1 is what I did in a game. And engine says that it is also a good move.

Try further! ;)
I mean try to find a move which comes as main line of engine.
Qf2 is computer's choice. Probably it's the best move.

But if I say this --
1. Rh8+ ...Kxh8
2. Rh1+ ...Kg8
3. Qf2,

Is it really possible?
@Teslamesla said in #1:
> Try to find the best move for white:
> Hint - this move looks a bit like computer move (i.e. looks a bit anti-intuitive).
I think rh2,knight takes queen, rh1 ,f pawn moves,g6,Black resigns
Here's my calculation-process:

I first calculated the typical scarifice on h8 fist:
21. Rh8+ Kxh8 22. Rh1 Kg8 and couldn't visualize a forcing followup after 23. Qg1, so...

My 2nd try was to calculate 21. Rah1 Nxh4 22. Rxh4 and again my visualization skills lacked finding something really forcing, so...

My 3rd try was the correct 21. Qf2 Nxh4 22. Qxh4 Re8 Rh1 Kf8 23. Qh8+ with a devastating attack, but I first had to check blacks other option in that line: 22. ...f6 23. g6 (with devastating attack) and 22. ...f5 23. Rh1 (with devastating attack).

This is how i calculated...

Have fun!
@Ben10Tenyson said in #6:
> I think rh2,knight takes queen, rh1 ,f pawn moves,g6,Black resigns
Ye, finally!!

Engine suggested for me this move Rh2.
I think it is EDUCATIONAL.
Educational in that meaning: a rook on H file is so good thet it is worth more than slightly closed Queen. So we need to move a rook away from attack but still keeping it on H file. And later another rook may join here into this H file.

Move Qf2 is of similar goodness! And engine also can suggest it, as @SamannOyB just said.

Black must give up everything after 21. Rh2! Nxe3 22. Rah1
In the same vein, a move earlier, 20.QxN instead of moving the rook.

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