
Add Zug Quotes to Lichess or I'm going to hold my breath until I die

I LLLLOVE the new quotes on the loading screens. However I noticed the startling omission of the most quotable Chess Players in the history of our beloved game.

Mr. Zug Q. Addict esquire has NOT A SINGLE QUOTE.

Mr. Addict's admirers have helpfully compiled a list of his more notable bon mot that could easily be added to the Lichess Quote bin:

A bit of googling has revealed that a normal human will pass out without oxygen around 2-3 minutes and will be dead shortly thereafter so please respond Quickly.

If you choose not to take action I simply ask that one among you tell my Wife and Child I loved them and my friends here on lichess that they were ok.

"18 minutes ago"

It was nice knowing you, NoJoke.

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