
What openings does everyone use

For white I use a gambit starting with d3
For black I use the Sicilian defense
I have several openings I like to use, depending on my mood, the personality of the opponent, and what they play.
As white: Against the Caro-Kann: A Maroczy attack (a.k.a fantasie variation), is my favorite option, although I sometimes play the exchange variation as well.
Against a french: I like the King's Indian Attack, or sometimes a standard setup with 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 and then there are some tactical ideas for white if black goes astray, otherwise its a bit of a boring game. Generally play that only in bullet tho.
Against 1... e5, generally a ruy lopez, an opening I know a great deal about, is my choice.

As black: King's indian attack and Nimzo defense are my favorites against the queen's pawn opening. Against e5 I play a giuoco piano or a fianchetto variation of the ruy lopez, depending on my opponent's play.

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