
Is Vishy Anand the bad boy of chess?

I was contemplating today about how every professional sport has its "Bad boy". Meaning a person who is too cool for school and lets everybody know it. This type of person lives by their own rules. This person lives their life anyway they want to. Their own philosophy is of the only importance to themselves, and expectations of professionalism can sometimes get in the way. They can't be tamed.

Basketball had Allen Iverson
Football has Zlatan Ibrahimović
American Football has Michael Vick
Baseball had Babe Ruth
Tennis had John McEnroe
Formula 1 has Kimi Raikonen

And Chess? Well, Chess has Vishy Anand. I've provided some links to prove why Vishy Anand is the bad boy of Chess.

Anand gets angry:
Anand can't understand why someone doesn't understand english:
Anand disses Kasparov:
Note: Anand is called "A toast" by the reporter in the last video, which can only be slang for bad boy.
Exactly the opposite, generally speaking. He is THE Mr. Nice Guy.

Such guys like Jan-Hein Donner, that was a bad boy! ;)

I'd promote Bobby Fisher to the "bad boy" level. He surely lived on his own terms.
How about Korchnoi, that claimed Karpov tapped all his living apartments to hear him analyzing with his seconds and that a person with hypnothical properties in Karpovs team was staring at him during the match.
Anand is one of the most chilled guys, Kramnik too, Garry is crazy/ loco.
Korchnoi can rage very good too.
Haha Anand a bad boy :)
Everybody knows the real bad ass of chess is Leko... don't mess with that guy...

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