
Suggestion: The ability to create a game in a certain opening position

I think this would be a very useful feature for those who are aiming to master a certain opening. For example; if I'm studying The French or considering to add that to my repertoire, being able to play lots of quick games in this position would definitely help me a lot in terms of familiarizing myself with the usual middlegame and endgame positions that occur in the French or understanding the structures in general.
This already exists select variant "From position" when making a game.
@zaneanderman I know that you can set up positions and play them against engines. I meant against other human players.
Because there is little variety in engine play.
Google Translation
A tournament can be made between human players by selecting the starting position.
@MM1993 Sorry, I just realized you can't create "from position" games with "create a game". You can however select it with "play with a friend", which means you can challenge people to games with a starting position.
I could challenge you to a from position game later to show you.

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