
what went wrong?

we know that 1=0.99999999...
so 1-0.9999999...=0.000...001
0.000...001 is so infinitely small, it is basically 0
we also know that 1=0.1x10^1=0.01x10^2=0.001x10^3 and so on...
so 1=0.000...(there are n 0’s)...0001x10^n
note lim_n_infinite
but 0.00...001 is 0 so
1= 0x10^infinite
what went WRONG???
1+1= 2
1X 1= 1

3-1= 2
9/3 = 3

Anything than these, i don't care.
@Phil224 the logic my friend
Chat gpt:
The argument you presented contains some incorrect assumptions and logic.

Firstly, while it is true that 1 is equal to 0.9999999... (with an infinite number of 9s), the statement that 1-0.9999999... equals 0.000...001 is not necessarily true. In fact, the result of this subtraction is exactly equal to 0, as every 9 in 0.9999999... can be matched with a corresponding digit in the 1, leaving no remainder.

Secondly, the statement that 1 is equal to 0.000...(n zeroes)...001x10^n is not true for any finite value of n. While it is true that 1 can be expressed as 0.000...001x10^∞, the expression 0.000...(n zeroes)...001x10^n is not equivalent to 1, but rather to 1/10^(n-1).

Lastly, the statement that 0.000...(n zeroes)...001 approaches 0 as n approaches infinity is also not true. While it is true that the value of 0.000...(n zeroes)...001 gets smaller as n gets larger, it never actually reaches 0.

Therefore, the conclusion that 1 is equal to 0 is not valid based on the arguments presented. The argument relies on several faulty assumptions and logical errors.
@Muzan08 said in #4:
> @Phil224 the logic my friend
> Chat gpt:
> The argument you presented contains some incorrect assumptions and logic.
> Firstly, while it is true that 1 is equal to 0.9999999... (with an infinite number of 9s), the statement that 1-0.9999999... equals 0.000...001 is not necessarily true. In fact, the result of this subtraction is exactly equal to 0, as every 9 in 0.9999999... can be matched with a corresponding digit in the 1, leaving no remainder.
> Secondly, the statement that 1 is equal to 0.000...(n zeroes)...001x10^n is not true for any finite value of n. While it is true that 1 can be expressed as 0.000...001x10^∞, the expression 0.000...(n zeroes)...001x10^n is not equivalent to 1, but rather to 1/10^(n-1).
> Lastly, the statement that 0.000...(n zeroes)...001 approaches 0 as n approaches infinity is also not true. While it is true that the value of 0.000...(n zeroes)...001 gets smaller as n gets larger, it never actually reaches 0.
> Therefore, the conclusion that 1 is equal to 0 is not valid based on the arguments presented. The argument relies on several faulty assumptions and logical errors.
hey you cheated! with chatgpt!
Thank you, whoever made ChatGPT. No more math questions now, go search on ChatGPT.
@Phil224 said in #6:
> hey you cheated! with chatgpt!
I knew it from the beigining that the math ain't mathing, but I was tired so chat gpt answerd
What do you expect when you say that 1=0

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