
3 second bullet tournament with berserk

I have an idea that would be very interesting . Instead of having 1 minute bullet tournaments every hour, there can 0+3 second tournaments as well or every other turn. With the inclusion of berserking option where players play with 1.5 seconds instead of the regular 3 seconds, it will be very fun to play as the games will be very fast.
0+3 would be easier than 1+0 for the top players, and I'm not sure if that counts as bullet.
It's definitely doable, you just gotta farm some time in the opening.
Plus 3 is too slow, if you want fast. Plus 2 or 1. However, if you know what opening you are doing ahead of time and assuming it is safe, you can easily premove and gain 7 seconds or more. It gets quite boring when you reach 50+ seconds. Meh.
Yeah I meant that you get 1.5 second in the beginning and .5 seconds per move if you berserk.

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