
Is there a decisive game with no mistake or blunder by either side?

yeah I think I saw a game with 0 inaccuracies/mistakes/blunders for both side and white still won!
It was 2 GMs I think Carlson was one of them.
@Poldi_der_Drache i also remember that game i think it was Magnus vs Aronian and Magnus won i think it was in the Grand Chess Tour cos i remember Maurice going berserk since the engines were perfect for both sides
@DevilWearsPradah @brochess
I dont know maybe I am wrong and I remember it incorrectly but I do remember that there was almost perfect play for example look at this game:
black has a centipawn loss of 6 and white of 10! black won
another thing you gotta remember; not every game that is resigned it actually a lost position
Yeah that one is kind of close, but it didn't end in checkmate and the computer analysis shows a mistake.

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