

One day, your mother was sitting in her car minding her own business when a police officer walked by.
The cop did a double-take and gave her an angry look while he pulled out his ticket book. He wrote a ticket and placed it on her windshield and walked away.

She got out of the car and grabbed the ticket, it read: "$100 fine for indecent exposure. Subject was mooning pedestrians from her car window."
I once met a blind man with severe scares around his eyes. I asked him "How did you get those scars? Did this happen when you went blind?"

He said, "Yes. It was from a motorboating accident. She didn't tell me that they were pierced!"
Three blonds were standing on a river bank, wondering how to cross, and found a magic lamp. They pulled it out of the sand and rubbed it; a genie popped out and said: "In return for freeing me from that lamp I will grant each of you one wish!"

The first blond wished for a boat. A boat appeared and she jumped into it but it had no paddles and the river current took her far away. The second blond wished for a motorboat. Thinking that she outsmarted the first, she jumped into the boat without realizing that it had no gas. The river washed her away too.

The last blond thought long and hard about her wish then finally said: "I wish that I had black hair." The genie granted her wish and she walked across the bridge.
All right, for this one I'm going to play on the classic format of the "walk into a bar" joke:

A man, a woman, a non-binary person, and a dog all walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and asks, "What can I get for you folks?"

The man says, "I'll have a beer." The woman says, "I'll have a glass of wine." The non-binary person says, "I'll have a cocktail, please." And the dog barks, "Arf! Arf!"

The bartender serves them their drinks, and as the group settles in to chat, they find themselves having a respectful and engaging conversation about their diverse experiences and perspectives. And the dog, of course, just enjoys some belly rubs from everyone.

The punchline? Respectful and friendly interactions can happen anywhere, even in a joke that starts off sounding like it might be sexist or demeaning.
There was that joke about somebody trieing to tell a punchline, but I forgot how that went on...
I wonder why the ball was getting bigger until suddenly I felt pain and when I looked up, it was not there, it reached the ground.
Hmm... I wonder why the chicken crossed the road.
Well, because I found that it went under the road, this post never existed.

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