
aborted games

i play almost exclusively 960. i have a lot of aborted games by my opponent who presumably click on my games by mistake.

while i like very much this site, and the design is simple and elegant, the icons are not very intuitive. i'm sure that a lot of people are experiencing similar problems while creating variant games.

is their anyway to make this less of a problem? i'm sure that the creators of this site are design conscious, but what is design without ease of use?
Maybe your taking about the dice icon to represent a 960 game.
Three solutions:
- Search the web for a better icon;
- Create one; or
- Pick an already made icon :
i have no problem understand the icons, i'm talking about people clicking on 960 games by mistake, especially newbies to the site. none of the icons are very intuitive.

there used to be a warning message to player that they were about to play 960 chess. there even used to be "960" written instead of the icons right next to the games list, and it was never a problem then, but it was short lived, they change the design of it, and it went back to being a problem again.
There is a filter in the display of seek/challenge games, simply that they have to use it!
how do you filter out someone who clicks on your game by mistake?
it happens all the time. you obviously don't play 960 or any variation, according to your profile, so you have no idea what i'm talking about.
This seems like it would be less irritating if one could at least remove aborted games from their profile; currently I'm experiencing the same thing when piddling around with the new correspondence chess feature, and I'm a little ticked about my profile being clogged up with games I never even played.
it seem so easy to fix. just put 960 instead of an icon that no one understands, but the designers opt for form over function.

Aborted games are removed from your profile after 24 hours.
Solution 1: On the main page, separate the different games by using folder tabs. Presently we have two tabs. One is a list and the other is a graph. Each folder tab would be unique. One for King of the Hill, one for 960 and so on...
The main page would have the ordinary chess as default and would have to change the tab to access the other variants. In the profile, one could set the tab preference to the main page.
Solution 2: Change the graph square icons to represent the type of games. Hovering over the square to see the rest of the info is great, but maybe we should see the lighting or the dice on the graph instead of a square.

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