

Hi everyone,

THURSDAY december 15

I am hosting a chess night at the People's Drugstore in Paris located at the 78th rue des martyrs (Metro Pigalle, Anvers, Abbesses).

The chess bar will be open at 7PM until 1 or 2 AM depending on the number of people.

There is a 15euros fee for an all inclusive formula (only beers, we don't sell anything else).

There are at least 12 chess boards.

THE ONLY RULE IS TO COME WITH YOUR TIMER, we don't have them anymore.

Feel free to drop by,

KALINATOR & the People's Drugstore.
too bad,i can't be in paris that day, nor the 22 of december.

But it is great to know your adress, my nephew has just moved in 200 meters from your location, i will drop by one day.
By he way, did i understood well, it's 15 € and you can drink all night long?

Have a nice day.
Hi, only for the occasion. Otherwise it is 3/4 euros for a pint of beer.
Tu as un frais de 15 euros qui te donne droit à avoir de la bière à volonté (dans la limite du raisonnable bien entendu).
Ouais bof. ça pousse à l'alcoolisme et ne promeut pas vraiment les échecs. Je préfère payer une bière ou deux, je n'en boirai pas plus de toute façon, et jouer tranquillement aux échecs. Ce serait mieux d'organiser un truc qui incite à jouer aux échecs, genre tournoi.

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