
How To Get The Most out Of Our Beloved Lichess

Any advice on analysing games? At the moment, I just write a few comments for when I make a blunder or miss a good move that I should have seen.
Zen mode allows indeed to not see the elo of your opponent but this will not be the case in a real game, thus it is better to be used to deal with your opponent rating.
An important piece of information was left out: 'Zen' comes from the Chinese word 'Chan' which was invented by a man from Iran about 1,000 years ago.
still existing, or community and collaborative level (goes well with post-game and studies):

The forum discussions, where people can have interesting multipartite sharing of ideas, without an priori direction of truth pouring. The discussion delivers the insights as much as individual posts might.

The personal messaging as well.

The team forum, for smaller arena concepts and like-minded recognitions things (idk), but also it could have thematic sub-groups of discussions, that might, even more so now, get too disperse in the general forum..

Those are not dead yet..

Forgot the blog, but maybe not user case, so much.

All the above non-blog text features can be cross-linked with many of the collaborative features subset of your tour. Extending the minimal 2 person social activity of the core user type of games. What gives a notion of community, in my opinion, is the amount of collaborative opportunities.. And this post-blog discussion feature, could be part of that. sometimes is. But blogs are not the only place. and it seems to not be collaborative much (draft mode could be at same level as inboxes, for at least some review process, or sharing of common parts, I don't know).
I wish lichess allowed more than 64 chapters in a study. I have like 10+ studies with ONE student because they keep maxing out haha