FM CheckRaiseMate Lichess coach picture

FM Nate Solon

Improve your chess with data

LocationOmaha, Nebraska United States
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 230626192613
Hourly rate$150
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hi! I'm FM Nate Solon. As a student I was one of the top players for my age in the US. After school I played poker professionally for many years. When I quit poker I returned to chess, but this time as a coach and content creator.

Playing experience

I'm a US and FIDE Master. I won the national grade championship for the US in 8th and 9th grade. I'm also a Massachusetts state champion. I have beaten some of the best blitz in the world, including Andrew Tang and Hikaru Nakamura.

Teaching experience

I've been teaching chess for over 20 years. I've worked with students from beginner to expert level.

Other experiences

My experiences as a poker player and data scientist inform my approach to coaching. I'm interested in pragmatic and efficient ways to improve performance. I like to use data to question common assumptions and find unexplored opportunities.

Best skills

I believe in combining a data-driven approach with empathy. In my experience the biggest stumbling block for most players is not a lack of knowledge, but issues with the thought process, so I try to get a handle on how you think and suggest ways to improve it.

Teaching methodology

Common techniques include reviewing your games with an eye towards recurring patterns, calculation training, and helping you build and refine your opening repertoire. I follow up after each lesson with a review of what we covered and suggestions for study material.

Latest blog posts

Chess player blundering

How Do You Stop Blundering?

The hardest problem to solve in chess


The most important chess concept you've never heard of
Chess files

Comparing Lichess and Chessbase

Do not try this at home!
Man crawling through mud

US Amateur Team East Recap

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Public studies

Anti-London | Crazy Knight Attack

1972 • FM CheckRaiseMate •
  1. Introduction
  2. Why 3...Nd5?
  3. 5. Nc3
  4. 5. Qc1
  1. FM CheckRaiseMate

YouTube videos