

Why opening theory is not good for some players

ChessChess PersonalitiesStrategyTacticsOpening
do not get me wrong, i am not saying opening theory is bad, but i believe that it has a negative affect on chess

i was on my way to my teachers house. I was going to learn how to play the Ruy Lopez And the Sicilian defence after the lesson, i felt pretty good, played some games online, did pretty well. But over the course of a few years, my creativity dropped, and i realized i knew how to play every position according to the engine. It does not feel good at all!
If you happen to be lucky and click on this when your still a beginner in chess and want freedom in play, goodluck!

Why isn't it good?

Chess is a imaginative and creative game, opening theory burns out any new ideas that we may have, my suggestion is to IGNORE opening theory and play by creativity.
We all know our chess principles, and we do not need to learn an opening if we just apply these methods into our play in the opening.
Take the center with pawns: Try to place center pawns in the middle of the board, if your opponent allows you, if your white, your going to be playing 1.e4, and if black does not play any move that takes the center, take the center and strengthen it.
Develop Your pieces: Find active posts for your knights and bishops, outposts for knights and long diagonals for bishops, use your pawns to fight for these advantages, create a Strong square for your knights and Strong diagonals for your bishops.
Castle The King is The first 10 moves: The king must be in a safe castle before you start your middlegame plan. This comes after developing pieces.
Rook connection: connecting rooks signifies the end of development. after getting your pieces out and castling the king, move the queen up one square and this will connect the rooks.

An effective study for bishop diagonals
An effective study for strong square for knights
An effective study for king safety
An effective study for rook connection

I position that i liked to play:


Hopefully i gave a clear method on how to play chess without opening theory, if you enjoyed, please like and follow.
Keep Improving,
Michael Burns