
Suggest an opening for me as black

The best you can do is not to play any specific opening. Follow the basic opening rules (take centre, develop pieces (don't move your pieces twice in the opening, castle, place knights into centre...). You don't need any opening knowledge until lichess rating about 1800.
The best you can do now is to play rapid games and do tactics every day (even like 2 a day like me).
@Schloopka I'm going to slightly disagree with that. I agree that focusing on opening theory is worthless for someone at my level. But I definitely think there is something to be said for being able to start out a game with a certain level of familiarity with certain positions.
The problem is, all of your opponents will move out of your theory at move 3. Just learn basic tactics and you will impliedly jump to 1300 rating or so.
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You should care. My “powers” do not extend so far, I can only read the first few words of what you can say. And nobody else can see anything! :(
#1 Open you eyes and then buy an opening book and go through it. Then try them in online games and then choose the one you want to play.
If you want a really easy opening to play. Play the jobava london, it is very easy to play and also very tricky. If black plays well they will end up into an equal position but at your level, you will win a lot of games. A good course I recommend is the Jobava London course on by Simon Williams.

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