
Puzzle #JM3Oi is wrong


Puzzle #JM3Oi rated 3056 is wrong : on move 33, only b5 is accepted (with an advantage of +6.4 according to Stockfish) but Qxd7 is also winning with an advantage of +53.6 according to Stockfish.
Indeed. In fact, in the analysis board, Stockfish always sees Qxd7 as better than b5+ at any depth.
Interesting. At first, stockfish thought that Qxd7 was bad because black could just take the knight back, but then it thought it was +9. That's weird lol
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It's because I want him to see that this puzzle is wrong and delete it.
You are right. The puzzle is broken. Will get it taken care of.
@lovlas but the knight on f5 is hanging. Or have you fixed the puzzle already?
No. It hasn't been fixed. All you can do is downvote the bad puzzles.

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