
Your celebrity lookalike?

@Akbar2thegreat said in #38:
> As per the link I shared in #27:
> I look 38% like Gregor Mendel, (the father of Genetics), 35% like Henry Ford, 33% like Beethoven.
> How do others here resemble which personality the most?

mine is %40 Pocahontas
i also have been told i look like dobby and yoda had a baby ewww but you should be proud of who you are and im proud i look like Gollum
*dont ask how*
Over the years I've been told I look like Anthony Keidis, Rick Springfield, and James Taylor.
<Comment deleted by user>
Ricardo Montalban dressed in fine, Corinthian leather and behind the wheel of a small Chrysler of uncommon elegance, but surprising affordability.

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