
Candidates tournament: who are you rooting for and why?

In the candidates tournament in Toronto, who are you rooting for and why?

My man is Caruana: he is American/Italian and he is fantastic as a player and, most important for me, he is a very nice person, so it seems.

Then my woman: she would be Vaishali, India deserves a champion. If I had my way I would suppress the women only tournaments to replace them with "best woman player" real good money prizes. But that's another story.
GM Nakamura, I like his steady, dedicated approach to chess and life. His streaming has added a great dimension to the game.

I watched some games of Vaishali, but have not resonated with any of these female players just yet.
@morphyms1817 said in #6:
> GM Nakamura, I like his steady, dedicated approach to chess and life. His streaming has added a great dimension to the game.
I absolutely agree, except for sort of a Nakamura's "dark side", that shows out in the "disrespectful" video series, when he plays online under newly created identities to lower its rating and be paired with beginners at the sole purpose to mock and insult them, for content sake, he claims. I don't think it's just for creating lucrative contents, also despicable per se, I think he actually enjoys to sadically stalk beginners online, while he is a perfect gentleman in real life. Like a common resentful keyboard lion, that's uneducational at the very least.
Other top level players would never do that.
Fabi, bc I like people rewarded for their hard work and reaching dreams. And he seems like a great human.

If not then a young star would be nice to see win bc it would be great storyline how long they run.
Ian bc last time he lost the WCC and this time he'll be in more form.

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